Friday, February 27, 2009

1st AD Meeting Minutes 27/02/2008 (Cedric) MUMBO JUMBO

It was great to catch up with you all last night and to see the effort and thought that you have all put into your respective areas.

A few things that we should keep in mind for next time.

1. Although we got a lot done I think that in order to be even more effective, we need to structure these sessions a little more which is up to the Producers/1st AD's to do.

2. Write everything down in the blog and sign with your name and the short you are discussing.

3. Split times/space between key members of each team so that they can be more effective on their respective shorts.

Some of the things that we discussed:

1. On Sat/Sun (to be determined) we will be going to my place to scout the location for MJ. If it is not suitable then we need to find another place asap. Some of you will also be coming on Monday night.

2. Budget: We need to all put in some of our own € into both films for inserts, lunch etc so we need to work this out asap.

3. In terms of management: Producers and 1st AD's will work together pre-production, production and post production however a lot of the work pre-production will be completed by the Producers with the help of AD's and everything on the shoot day will be handled by the 1st AD's with the help of the Producers. Post production to be determined

4. We are ALL working together so we must share props, ideas, actors (if applicable) between the two teams in order to be more effective.

Please also put all your notes from each meeting on the blog and sign it with your name as that way we have everything collated and in one place as an easy reference.

If you can add anything please do so on the blog and via email.

PRODUCERS: Conor, Lyndsey & Simone,

As I mentioned to Conor I used to work as a Project Manager and as a PM we would use what was called a Gannt Chart to create a visual schedule/budget of a project from start to finish. It is the most effective way to organise your time on a project and is easily changeable and printable with those changes. It looks complex but really it is quite easy to use and once you get everything on there you can move things around quite easily. I would recommend using this for both shorts. Normally we would use MS Project which might already be part of your office suite of products however, if not then this is a basic version that you can use. I have attached a template copy for you to use and if you need any help using it, please don't hesitate to ask.

I hope that this helps you all.


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