Friday, February 27, 2009

Minutes of Mumbo meeting. Going by Producers Schedule - Pauline

The meetings went really well. It ran smoothly and we got results. I am just writing up minutes this way to ensure that those that were not there know what was discussed. The times quoted are from the pre meeting schedule, these changed a wee bit but the schedule was kept to. If people want to add to this or do up their own - sign in and edit.

Schedule meeting 26/02/2009

6pm- Discuss camera-op with John

Discuss location (with a view to camera shots)

John has arranged to view location on - Sunday or Monday. Suggested that Cathal can view location on Saturday as he is in Dublin then. - Does this suit you Cathal?
Discussed bathroom - ways of working around space constraints.

6:45- Music (sounds/style/mood)
Discussed additional music from outside sources. Discussed childs musical toy which will be in Gaspars toy box with the the childs book, it will be knocked and start playing music ... til end of credits

Discussed Budget regarding 1 props - rough props list needed. This list needs to be shared so we can pool our resources. 2 Fund raising - possible movie pub quiz. 3 A bank account has been set up for Mumbo Jumbo by the producers. A suggested donation from all crew of €20 towards this fund.

Use our resources here. Sorry but cant remember who said that their friend is studying make up in college and may be interested - will find out.

Ana discussed casting questions. 30-40 yr old. A bit of wear on his face. Not handsome, can convey many emotions with his face and body. Needs to know that he has 4 roles in the film. We worked out an ad for billboards and The Attic Studio, dates for casting and logistics of casting day.


7:15 Read through script

Discuss script regarding
- cutting content down
We need to do a physical run down through the script this can be informal - to time it. Areas where there are deliveries of lines- what is visually happening? Cedric suggested small changes to script. The script does need to be cut down but we need to keep the elements that tell the story!

- shooting schedule
Not sure what was discussed here
- props
Discussed inserts, magazine covers, newspapers, notebook, childs book, TV newsreader, Radio. I have access to low low cost printing so no real budget issues there - need to cover materials not labour. As director I do not want to take out the TV insert - I do not see any serious problems with it and I think it is needed to see Gasper on it
A prop list has been drawn up by Riana. It is on this blog and will be added to as time moves on. There are alot of props and art works for Mumbo so we all need to do our bit in collecting them


8:30-9:15 Roles
Lynsey discussed briefly crew roles. Respecting these roles and responsibilities. She had hand outs regarding this that were given out earlier in the meeting.

9:15- 9:30 Questions
We ran out of time here. But there were loads of questions and answers throughout

Also discussed -
Visual style, - see brotherus images. Almost muted 60's 80's look - in that it is not set in 2009. Not loud patterns though. Colours such as beige, mauve, wine, kack green, snot green, polyester pastel blue. Gaspar and rooms should be visually/colourwise connected. He is not flash! He does not own a laptop, he corrects on paper with a pen. He is old school.

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